
TEDxTreviso is back

Attention to the environment is increasingly central to the construction of any event. In its own small way, the fifth edition of TEDxTreviso - an independent conference of the U.S. TED brand - after having introduced last year the calculation of carbon footprint and neutralized with reforestation projects the 3.5 tons of CO2 produced, has decided to proceed to an experimental calculation of Water Footprint, that is, water consumed.

It will be the first Italian TEDx to try this, the one scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, October 22, at the Mario del Monaco Municipal Theater in Treviso. An initiative also made possible by the great sensitivity of suppliers and partners.

Water, its consumption and the actions put in place to preserve this precious resource will also be the subject of a vademecum distributed to participants and produced with Viveracqua, the association that brings together all water managers in the Veneto region, as well as with sponsor Credit Agricole.

The theme chosen as the theme for this 2022 edition is trust. "After the years of uncertainty caused by the pandemic, what is needed is to return to trust. Of ourselves, of others, of society, of institutions, of the future," says the president of TEDxTreviso, who urges reflection as always: "Trust cannot be a blank promissory note, and if today's trust in science and democracies is falling behind, it is because we have told ourselves too often that History was over, that technology would solve all problems, that progress would be irreversible. War and pandemics show us that this is not the case. Trust, which we wanted to represent with a coordinated image reminiscent of the table of elements, is a complex formula in which nothing can be taken for granted."

A great attention to sustainability, that wanted by the president and licensee of TEDxTreviso Nicolò Rocco and the group of about fifty volunteers who organize the annual event, which is further reason for ITLAS to put itself in support of the initiative again this year. Because we believe that actions like these also go to fuel the "spread of valuable ideas" that is the founding spirit of every TED.

Veneto-based digital Sgaialand. it, and Andrea Lorenzon, creator of "Dead Cartoons." Bloomberg journalist Tommaso Ebardht, author of the biographies of Sergio Marchionne and Leonardo Del Vecchio; the winner of the 11th edition of MasterChef, Tracy Eboigbodin; the writer, author of the children's literary series starring Geronimo Stilton, Elisabetta Dami; the president of the law firm BonelliErede, Stefano Simontacchi; aerospace engineer from EUTEMESTAT, Chiara Cocchiara; psychiatrist Gerardo Favaretto, former vice president of the Italian Society of Psychiatry; Ceo of HOPE Sicaf, Claudio Scardovi; professor of Philosophy of Law and restorative justice expert Federico Reggio; Viveracqua board chair Monica Manto; and the string quartet "Le Corde del Mondo."

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