The tale of the wonders of the Cansiglio Forest at the Enchanted Loggia

The tale of the wonders of the Cansiglio Forest and the disaster of Vaia storm, next Sunday at the Enchanted Loggia
The tale of the wonders of the Cansiglio Forest and the disaster of Vaia storm will be the leading thread of the story that Toio De Savorgnani will tell on Sunday, 22nd December at 6 p.m. under the Enchanted Loggia of Treviso. In fact, the alpinist, conservationist and writer from Vittorio Veneto will be the main character of the event “Cansiglio… and the Moon”, which under the Loggia of the Knights, set up as a small forest, will stage the emotions brought forth by the play of lights and shadows created by full moon in the Ancient Oar Wood of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.
Fairytale nights, but also the tears unleashed by the violence of the storm, which on 29th October 2018 tore off the trees from that land. The event will be attended by Alberto Negro, Special Commissioner of Veneto Agricoltura (the board that manages regional woodlands), Patrizio Dei Tos, the founder and CEO of Itlas (the company from Cordignano that bought all the beeches of Cansiglio knocked down by Vaia, paying them more than market price) and Sarah Dei Tos, the young entrepreneur owner of the biodynamic winery from Vittorio Veneto, La Vigna di Sarah, who decided to buy small plants from Veneto Agricoltura’s greenhouses to support the costs of the reforestation of Pian Rosada, one of the most hardly hit areas of Cansiglio. Almost three acres of woodland, where fences and picnic areas have to be repaired and the remaining stumps have to be removed. An area that, thanks to BioDeltaFor Interreg project, devoted to eco systemic services and forest biodiversity, will also be fenced, thus guaranteeing an adequate development to the biological complexity of the forest itself.
For the event La Vigna di Sarah created an ad hoc label “Foresta del Cansiglio” for 600 bottles of Prosecco Docg, whose purchase will contribute to reforestation.
At the end of the happening “Cansiglio… and the Moon” toast with “Grappoli di Luna”, Prosecco Docg La Vigna di Sarah, harvested during a full moon night.