Sustainability Week 2023

A week of meetings and seminars, training programs and workshops, success stories, academy, art exhibitions. All exclusively about sustainability. It will happen in Treviso from May 15 to 19 in the complex of the former Sant'Artemio psychiatric hospital, now the seat of the Province, with the conception and organization of Confindustria Veneto Est, which brings together entrepreneurs from the metropolitan area of Venice, Padua, Rovigo and Treviso.
"Sustainability Week," this year in its second edition, aims to create awareness and business culture in sustainability. With the involvement of the whole territory and its stakeholders: companies, schools, public administrations and start-ups will compare and exchange good practices and ideas to define a common language and new collaborations.
"European and global industrial policy is increasingly declined in terms of sustainability, and work, education, investments, consumption choices, and lifestyles are being oriented on this. Sustainability Week is dedicated to this transition that involves us all, as businesses, communities, people.
An opportunity," says Leopoldo Destro, president of Confindustria Veneto Est, "to meet, dialogue, exchange experiences and best practices in an area already at the top of the national green economy, with 29,830 companies that have invested or will invest this year in green technologies and products and 93,220 new green jobs in 2021. Social welfare and future competitiveness pass from here, and we must learn to speak a common language and share values, commitments and goals for inclusive and sustainable growth."
There will be 43 events on the calendar (in the first edition, which was attended by 1,200 participants, there were 30) and a common thread that brings attention to the issues of social welfare and impact on the economy and labor, looking at targets in transition processes.
"The social dimension," explains Walter Bertin, vice-president of Confindustria Veneto Est with delegation to ESG, "is often not valued, but in reality it is an essential factor in achieving accomplished sustainability in the creation of shared value.
Among the events of the five days is also the presentation of the Sustainability Academy, i.e., a tool dedicated to companies that want to grow on sustainability issues. This is the latest (but only in order of time) stage of a journey that starts from a long time ago, eight years ago, from the then Unindustria Treviso that with great vision and foresight gave birth to the Sustainability Group, formed by companies from different commodity sectors (they are currently 51) that periodically meet to exchange experiences, share problems and growth paths. The idea of the Academy starts from here. From the need to spread the culture of sustainability and to enlarge the Group, after a path of analysis, training, and growth. In practice of "literacy" on basic topics, from sustainability budgets to Benefit Societies and Bcorp, from gender equality certification to product and process life cycle, from energy sustainability to ESG assessment of suppliers to carbon footprint calculation.