
ITLAS, Dei Tos new President of Confindustria Serbia

Dei Tos, 57, was elected late yesterday afternoon by the members' assembly gathered in Belgrade and will lead the association of Italian entrepreneurs for the 2019-2022 term, succeeding Erich Cossutta, who held the helm of Confindustria Serbia for seven years.

The entrepreneur from Vittorio Veneto is the founder and director of the Labor Legno Group in Cordignano (Treviso), which includes among its companies, in addition to Labor Legno, Itlas, i Grandi Classici and the younger Labor SRB, which has its headquarters in Sremska Mitrovica.

"I thank all my fellow entrepreneurs who have chosen to place their trust in me. A courageous choice, which I will try to honour not only by keeping the Confindustria flag flying high in Serbia, but also by immediately putting myself at the service of all Italian entrepreneurs who believe that in this part of the Balkans it is possible to do business and develop their activities,' Patrizio Dei Tos said yesterday, asking for everyone's cooperation in order to network and be a great team. "It is we, even here abroad, who have the great responsibility to continue to nurture hope in the future of our economy. It is not easy, but I am convinced that together, supporting each other and sharing our experiences, we have the ability and the possibility to find solutions that can be a positive inspiration for the country, for its growth and for each of us, who today are one of Serbia's most important business partners, as well as a bridge, not only virtual but concrete, with Italy".

Present at the elective assembly were Assindustria Venetocentro Imprenditori Padova e Treviso President Maria Cristina Piovesana and General Director Giuseppe Milan.

"I congratulate Patrizio Dei Tos and thank him for this commitment to representation, which also brings the values and culture of Veneto and Italian enterprise and associationism to an international dimension. It is important to work together, in our country and in the world, and also to create safe references abroad for entrepreneurs and their collaborators, who also here make an essential contribution to the strength and competitiveness of Made in Italy,' says Maria Cristina Piovesana.

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