
Flooring 100×100 Made in Italy

The Board for the Safeguard of Italian Producers recently renewed to Itlas the certification "100% Made in Italy", which is related to all the wooden floorings produced by the company based in Veneto - Assi del Cansiglio, Tavole del Piave and Legni del Doge

This certification was first gained in 2009 and has been maintained ever since - it  is a guarantee of quality and originality of what Itlas produces and sells in Italy and abroad. In fact, the Board provides the brand only to the companies that comply to the IT01 System - 100% Original Italian Quality. Itlas' floorings, in order to be "100% Made in Italy" certified, must be completely produced in Italy, manufactured with first quality natural materials, designed according to the company's exclusive standards and to typical Italian craftmanship.

Buying a "100% Made in Italy" certified wooden flooring means choosinq quality. But also the taste and creativity typical of a product made in Italy, which encloses in itself  the traditions, culture and entrepreneurial skills of our Country. Characteristcs that are well known and aprreciated all over the world, but which are too often put at risk by products that are Italian only by name. A tricolor label or a homemade logo is not enough to guarantee to consumers  that the product they are buying is born and comes from the family company and the districts. 

The guarantee comes for the certification given by an independent Board that checks, even through periodical inspections, the real productivity system of the company. Itlas has chosen this way, in order to give to his customers the chance of having a full range of floorings, all exclusively certified "100% Made in Italy" .

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