
Christmas with Red Canzian

An unforgettable evening for all those lucky enough to take part. There was a magic atmosphere in an exclusive environment, with talented performers and the indisputable fame of the star of the show: Red Canzian. He was asked by Itlas to perform at its 2017 Christmas celebrations, which took place on Friday 22 December in the Vittorio Veneto Da Ponte Theatre, absolutely sold out. Twenty ways to celebrate Christmas was the title invented by Canzian, who was accompanied by The Big Family Orchestra and Young Gospel Voice.

They performed the hits made famous over fifty years by the Pooh where Red Canzian was bass and vocalist but not only. The audience (employees, associates, official guests and friends) were also treated to the international Christmas classics, to add a dream-like atmosphere to the evening.

On this occasion owner Patrizio Dei Tos and Veneto governor Luca Zaia rewarded employees who had many years of service in the company.

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