Cersaie, 36 years of contemporary design history

Many visited Bologna since 1983. And we are not talking about the 112 thousand visitors of latest edition.
During the past thirty-six years Cersaie – International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings – has been the stage for lectio magistralis by Renzo Piano, David Childs, Hans Hollein, Kazujo Sejima, Glenn Murcutt, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Rafael Moneo, James Stirling, Odile Decq, Norman Foster, Shigeru Ban, Álvaro Siza, Tom Mayne, Massimiliano Fuksas. As a consequence, an exhibition that was born during a period of crisis to offer to ceramic producers and distributors a place to meet and develop business opportunities has changed into a landmark for architects and designers all over the world.
Numbers state clearly the massive growth of this late September appointment and the role it plays on the present and future of creativity and design – 161 thousand square metres for exhibition, 840 exhibitors, 314 of whom from foreign countries; 50% of more than 100 thousand visitors of latest edition coming from abroad, 889 accredited journalists 379 of whom from foreign magazines, 180 represented countries, 8.041 architects, 1.982 designers. Certified data, which confirm that Cersaie’s originary mission – being an international showcase for sharing ideas and solutions for contemporary design – has been fulfilled.
Even more: it is important to be in Bologna, since the five days promoted by Confindustria Ceramica have always been the set where a piece of contemporary history of creativity and innovation is built, thanks to the greatest names of international architecture and design but also to the leading companies in ceramic tile, bathrooms furnishings and cladding.
A history, that of Cersaie, destined to grow, as it is constantly fed by the desire to propose, to share ideas, to learn.