
At the foot of the Cansiglio Forest all forests are part of the PEFC™ Foresta Amica Group

All woods in the area nearby Itlas are certified according to Sustainable Forest Management.

In fact, Cordignano, Fregona and Cappella Maggiore have become part of the PEFC Group “Forest Friend”, led by the head office Green Enterprise Treviso Belluno srl, which during 2018 achieved the certification for more than twenty-four thousand acres of woodland. Soon also Sarmede, with its almost five hundred acres of forest, will enter the group.

These are all districts located on the edge of the Cansiglio Forest, PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest certification) certified, which in this way will become part of a community engaged in the sustainable management of the entire wood supply chain.

Aim of “Forest Friend”, born out of an experimentation made by Veneto Region, is that of creating a short supply chain, in order to safeguard consumers and final users and to guarantee quality and promotion of the wood coming from the area together with that of the companies that use it. 

A sustainable growth, which starts from the management and use of forests and woodlands and goes on to processing the product – thanks to the certification, traceability of raw material as well as its origin are guaranteed.

In this way, those who buy a certificated product are aware of the origin of the wood.

Itlas obtained PEFC certification in 2007.

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