Alpine Botanic Garden in Pian Cansiglio enters Italy’s Garden Route
Moving, travelling, discovering again. In this summer of recovered freedom the ideas are many and most of them are related to nature. A suggestion? Go to Alpine Botanic Garden “Lorenzoni” of Veneto Agricoltura in Pian Cansiglio, in Belluno province, which recently entered the official guide of Italian historical gardens and parks – an important award for the regional agency in charge of managing Veneto woodlands, which throughout several years of commitment has been able to give value to its garden and to its great botanic heritage.
Italy’s Garden Route is a project aimed at promoting Italian parks and gardens, born out of the cooperation between Italy’s Parks and Gardens Association (APGI) and the Ministry for Tourism.
An official guide of Italian historical gardens and parks where there is also the Alpine Botanic Garden of Pian Cansiglio, placed in the part devoted to mountain botanic gardens thanks to its historical value and for its integrity with respect to the landscape, for the hospitality, the care and maintenance, always respecting the environmental quality.
The Garden was created in 1972 by professor Lorenzoni of Padua University and by forest inspector Zanardo. It hosts the almost one thousand species of plants living in the Cansiglio Forest and Mount Cavallo, settled in different environments – in a small area (almost one and a half hectare) one can find plants living in the forest, in the shrubberies, in the meadows, in the high peaks and snowy valleys, on the rocks. There is also a small collection of medicinal plants, used in the preparation of medications and drugs.
The project of APGI and the Ministry of Tourism aims at relaunching the cultural and touristic use of Italian gardens and parks in relation to landscape, thus spreading the culture of garden towards a larger public, besides the connected naturalistic, social and historical-cultural themes. For centuries Italian gardens and parks have been extraordinary examples of the beauty, history and authenticity of the places where they have been created. Two hundred gardens and thirty routes that make our Country “the garden of Europe”, among mansions and castles, with a strategical connection between architecture and landscape, nature and culture, monumental heritage and productive vocation.
To see Italy’s Garden Route guide:
To learn more about the Alpine Botanic Garden in Pian Cansiglio: