
5 June, World Environment Day

Air Pollution the theme of the 2019 Edition 

It is celebrated every year all over the world. June 5th is, since 1972, World Environment Day

Established by the General Assembly of the United Nations, the WED (World Environment Day) will select a single theme to focus on, with the common goal of safeguarding our planet. "Air pollution" is the theme chosen for the 2019 edition, whose official celebrations will be hosted by China in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

All over the world, about 7 million people are esteemed to die prematurely each year, due to air pollution – of these, 4 come from the area of Asia-Pacific. 92% of Earth inhabitants do not breathe clean air and atmospheric pollution has a great impact on world economy – each year we spend 5 trillion dollars in welfare. The World Day will invite governments, industry, communities and single citizens to get together and explore renewable resources and green technologies in order to improve the conditions of the air we breathe.  

Being green every day and contributing to a more sustainable world is not an impossible mission. Starting from reducing food waste to a correct waste disposal; from carpooling (sharing vehicles with colleagues while going to work) to the use of sustainable paper and certified products; down to eco-friendly solutions for holidays, by choosing dwellings attentive to energy saving.

As for us, in these years Itlas have been following an environmental policy always aimed at protecting nature ad human health. Starting from the choice of the raw material used for making our floorings and furniture – wood comes only from forests that are certified and sustainably managed. In 2007 we obtained the PEFC™ certification (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification) and in 2010 we got the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) label. Since 2014 our production department works according to an Environmental Management System that complies to the UNI EN 14001 certification standards. For our products we use water-based finishes and vinyl glue, so that the emissions of volatile substances (VOC) comply to the rigid standards of the French Voc Label.

We use the energy of the sun, thanks to the 4,172 panels that cover over 3,300 square metres of roof of one of our warehouses. We reuse the processing waste (virgin sawdust) to feed our boilers. A daily commitment for a work-and-research group specifically dedicated to achieving ever new goals, increasingly in line with our being green.

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